News 123 Next Kathyrn Loeb Reviews “Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State” Professor Ian Seda-Irizarry: “Redefining the political in colonial Puerto Rico” Professor J.W. Mason: “Democrats Lost on the Economy. What Voters Felt That the Politicians Missed.” Professor Christian Parenti: “Why RFK Must Take on the CIA” Professor Lygia Sabbag-Fares presents on “Capitalismo Dependente E Gênero” How Left Economists Have Challenged Economic “Common Sense” Professor Mason on Federal Reserve Policy in Barron’s Professor Zhun Xu: “China as a Socialist Inter-National Project” Isabella Weber. Prices, Inflation, and Survival in an Age of Emergencies: Why We Need a New Paradigm (Sept. 11, 7-9 PM) 10 ways that mass incarceration is an engine of economic injustice Professor Christian Parenti on Odd Lots Podcast: Industrial Policy and the Forgotten Side of Alexander Hamilton Professor Christian Parenti: The Human Reality Behind the Border Crisis Professor Ozgur Orhangazi on the Turkish Economy and Falling Lira Professor Zhun Xu on Sustainability, Industrial Agriculture and the Case of North Korea Professor Ian Seda on the Political Status of Puerto Rico Economist Magazine Quotes Professor Michelle Holder on Black Workers in Current Labor Market November 15: A Debate on Green Industrial Policy and Global Overcapacity Professor Geert Dhondt on Crime and Class The Left Shouldn’t Get Too Excited About Joe Biden’s “Supply-Side Liberalism” Yes, Socialists Should Support Industrial Policy and a Green New Deal 123 Next